Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Notes, observations and questions

Purpose of this post is to attempt to gather my thoughts and clarify my thinking process about the current state of US and the world. Most of this is really questioning. I'm having a hard time bringing thoughts together so this post is not finished; may never be. A great deal of conclusion-drawing and idea formation are left up to the reader.

Currently we are trying to cope with Covid along with social and political change. The changes that could result will be a bit disruptive. Is Covid  being used to program and control people with long held social and political ideologies of the far left? Demonstrates the political adage of never let a crisis go to waste.

Fear of catching the virus or getting caught breaking the "rules",  keeps our heads down and separates us. Does that make us easier to divide by feeding fear? Wearing a mask is dehumanizing; hides half of the face. Constantly reminding us of the dangerous virus, thereby feeding fear. Social distancing when  we need some social "closening". This crates more fear and distrust. Masks are dehumanizing. We are mandated to distance  makes it easier to keep us divided and ascribe  bad motives to those who hold different ideas from ourselves. Makes it easier to develop a we/they perception of the world. 

The maniacal appeal to scientism when the opposite is being pushed. Clear lack of understanding by 99% of population and all of the MSM about the nature of science. It is the nature of science to question; to doubt. Nothing is proven, only demonstrated.  So proper science should be questioning all the beliefs and practices prescribed for covid.

Control the message in order to control the citizenry. Controlling the message is a key component of brainwashing. If you can control a person's environment and the messages they can receive, you can control that person. The more you control the environment, the stronger the message is received. Lockdowns. Mask wearing. Social distancing. All meant to control the environment.  The message i controlled by "Fact-checking." De-monetizing. Reducing exposure online. Cancelling any and all who question the accept narrative.

The governmental response to Covid is an attempt to gain control of us.  Media's 24/7 operation provides a unique opportunity. Of all the things that happen in the world every day. media cover only stories they want thereby slanting news to only what we hear. They have no qualms about false stories. They don't cover events that do not support the narrative. Advertising and brainwashing involve what you say times the number of times you say it. Reporters are too lazy or incompetent to research stories. they simply go with what is pushed by "approved" sources. Leads to conclusions and feeling that truth is elusive.

Have we ever been gaslighted before? Think about 9/11. Did you watch the buildings come down? If you did, have you ever seen buildings collapsing in the manner the towers collapsed? Yes you have. The towers plus a third building collapsed exactly like a building demolished with explosives collapses, pancaking one floor at a time straight down. BTW the third building was not hit by an airplane. Point is we were gaslighted on that with a deluge of bin laden. 

If all these are true, cui bono. Maybe reading some narratives out of the World Economic Forum might shed some light.

Doctors involed in mis-labelling deaths with covid as deaths from covid. This practice infatedthe number of covif deathc. Hospital were being paid for treating  covid patients.

Connection to Davos meeting of uber-rich;  2030- global reset

Globalism v nationalism

  might well ask why confusion and chaos. The eventual goal is order as in New World Order order is easier to reach from chaos. You will not have to be persuaded to change, you will embrace something in the stead of chaos.

Is this all connected with the Great Reset ( a fact declared by the Word Economic Forum)? If so, how?


Let's hypothesize.,  All of these are connected and are part of the Great Reset. How do you control and turn billions of people?

1.  First, you cause a worldwide life-threatening crisis, let's say releasing a bioweapon from a lab that engages in gain of function research. Lab accidents occur all the time--plausibility. What's in it for China (unless otherwise stated China means Communist Government)? How about world economic and military domination?

2. Get government(s) to take control destroying personal choice. Create a (thank youDaveRubin) reality war --information. Inconsistent and contradictory positions are gladly and strongly asserted; creates uncertainty and confusion. uncertainty and confusion is the desired goal. leads to making people more easily led, compliant. The ones who initiate and send these messages cannot be called out or named-and-shamed. They have no shame. Their game is to create confusion and chaos.

This is what i think it's all about. The Chinese released the virus on purpose. The goal is the destruction of world economies, leaving China as last standing. This creates fear as the pandemic spreads. Fear creates the need for safety and security over liberty and freedom, World governments increase fears by lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates,

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