Tuesday, January 3, 2012

On Change...

Change is the only constant in nature. Seasons of the year, the universe is expanding, tectonic plates are shifting, people grow and mature, etc. I cannot think of a single thing that remains unchanged. If this true, why do we behave as if things will always remain the same. Why are we so frightened by change? Change can be scarey, but nothing good happens without it.

The most important, most difficult, changes that we make are those within ourselves. To move house, change jobs, buy a new car are easy changes. However, to create personal growth is very tough. It calls for concentrated effort to alter our habit patterns -- those of outward behavior and those of thought. To change ourselves to become more curious, bold, decisive, etc. are difficult because they call for internal alterations to our attitudes (habits of thought). These changes call for us to move outside of our cozy envelopes called our comfort zone. Somewhat scarey.

I especially enjoy seeing people grow. When I taught secondary school, freshmen would try to act mature, but you could see the fear, apprehension and insecurity in the eyes. When the same people were seniors. They exuded a certain level of confidence; more self-assured. It's a gas.

It is amazing that with all of the changes we undergo in our lives, that we are essentially the same person that we were before. I think what happens is that time, age, experience and individual actions tend to act as buffing pads that round off our edges.

I will be adding to this post, so keep an eye out.

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